Advance Level

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Upskill your English with Advance Level Course.

Advance Level English Course

Introduction Session

Rapid Fire session (Icebreaker)

Activity for tenses

Role play session

Imprompt sessions

JAM Activity

Cow game - [Sentence or word building activity]

Podcast Summary (Select topics based on students age and interest)

Grammar Session

Story Telling session

Book Review/Movie Review

Describing Proverbs

Prepared Speeches

Ask the 4 “IF” questions


Idioms & Phrases

Show & tell

Develop story from hints/ Hints Development

Art of Questioning

Read out loud activity

Video briefing/ Ted talks summary

Learn new words


Translation Activities

Languages We Teach English

Learn English through தமிழ் ಕನ್ನಡ മലയാളം हिंदी తెలుగు اردو
1,20,000+ Students
21,045+ Students
20,736+ Students
10,853+ Students
20,542+ Students

Benefits of Advance Level

WhatsApp Classes
Flexible Timings
Other Benefits

Advance Course Trainers

Pre-Basic Trainer


Intermediate Trainer


Basic Trainer


Intermediate Trainer


Pre-Basic Trainer

Who We Are
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Advanced English Speaking Course: Master Fluent Communication

Are you ready to take your English speaking skills to the next level? Look no further than English Partner’s Advanced English Speaking Course. We specialize in providing comprehensive training and support to help you master fluent communication and outrank other websites in the realm of English language learning.

Why Choose English Partner for Your Advanced Spoken English Course?

At English Partner, we understand the significance of advanced English proficiency in today’s globalized world. Our Advanced Spoken English Course offers a range of benefits that set us apart from the competition:

1. Tailored Curriculum for Advanced Learners

Our course is specifically designed to cater to advanced learners who aim to refine their English speaking abilities. We delve into advanced grammar, vocabulary expansion, idiomatic expressions, and nuanced language usage. Our curriculum is meticulously crafted to challenge and inspire you, ensuring that you achieve a level of fluency that surpasses expectations.

2. Immersive Learning Experience

Immerse yourself in an authentic English learning environment with our Advanced English Speaking Course. Through interactive activities, discussions, debates, and presentations, you will engage in real-life scenarios that require advanced language skills. Our experienced instructors create a dynamic and stimulating atmosphere that encourages active participation and fosters rapid linguistic growth.

3. Accent and Pronunciation Mastery

Effective communication goes beyond grammar and vocabulary. We recognize the importance of clear and confident pronunciation. Our course includes comprehensive modules dedicated to accent reduction, intonation, and articulation. You will receive expert guidance on how to refine your pronunciation, ensuring that you sound natural and proficient in your English speech.

4. Fluency Building Strategies

Fluency is the hallmark of advanced English proficiency. Our Advanced English Speaking Course equips you with practical strategies to enhance your fluency and coherence. We focus on improving your speaking speed, thought organization, and ability to express complex ideas effortlessly. Through guided practice and feedback, you will develop the confidence to engage in fluent and meaningful conversations.

5. Authentic Materials and Stimulating Content

We believe in providing you with authentic materials that reflect real-world English usage. Our course incorporates a wide range of resources, including articles, podcasts, interviews, and videos. These materials expose you to various accents, topics, and cultural nuances, broadening your understanding and preparing you for diverse communication contexts.

6. Professional Presentation Skills

In today’s professional landscape, effective presentation skills are highly valued. Our Advanced Spoken English Course equips you with the necessary tools and techniques to deliver powerful and persuasive presentations. From structuring your content to employing visual aids and engaging your audience, our course hones your presentation skills to make a lasting impact.

7. Personalized Feedback and Guidance

At English Partner, we prioritize individualized attention and support. Our experienced instructors provide personalized feedback on your speaking performance, highlighting areas for improvement and offering tailored guidance. We believe in fostering a nurturing learning environment where you can ask questions, seek clarification, and receive expert advice to further enhance your speaking skills.

8. Interactive Online Platform

We understand the need for flexibility and accessibility in today’s digital age. Our Advanced Spoken English Course is delivered through an interactive online platform that allows you to learn at your own pace and convenience. Access course materials, participate in live classes, engage in discussions, and connect with fellow learners from around the world. Learning advanced English has never been more convenient.

9. Ongoing Support and Resources

Learning is a lifelong journey, and we are committed to supporting you every step of the way. Beyond the course, English Partner provides ongoing support, additional resources, and opportunities for continued growth. We believe in building a community of English language enthusiasts who inspire and motivate each other to achieve excellence.

Elevate Your English Speaking Skills with English Partner

Embark on a transformative language learning journey with English Partner’s Advanced English Speaking Course. Master fluent communication, refine your grammar, expand your vocabulary, and develop the confidence to express yourself with precision and clarity.

Frequently Asked Questions

The advanced-level course helps one to build confidence, fluency, proficiency, and pronunciation majorly. We include a lot of activities like public speaking, interaction, communication, complete grammar training, email writing, etiquette, and a lot more to make everyone’s daily life easier out there. Especially there are a lot of professionals who lose their promotion opportunities, a candidate failing their interview, or someone who is scared to communicate, English partner has got everyone’s back.

Advanced-level courses can be joined by anyone but are usually preferred most by working professionals as they need it in their day-to-day life. Or the students & professionals who are trying to expand their career opportunities as most individuals lack confidence due to their low proficiency and fluency in the English language.

Every student will be allotted a personal trainer for their learning session for their intensive learning in advanced-level courses. The course engages students in pronunciation, vocabulary learning, and public speaking activities to gain fluency in speaking with an accent. Most of the major subjects would include spoken English to gain proficiency.

Absolutely! Our students have the liberty to learn at their own pace but simultaneously if the students need some additional learning within the syllabus existing in the advanced level course then the trainers do take the special request from students for their learning interests and progress. We encourage our students to take up more tasks to gain fluency as well as proficiency.

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