IELTS Course

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Pass the IELTS exam at your speed and with ease. Scheduled training to develop your abilities. No more exam stress. Sessions that are planned and prepared to make learning easier.

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IELTS Course Syllabus

Reading Activities

Question Classification

Mode of reading Practice

Different Reading Patterns

Type of Question and Specific Skill Tests

Time plan

Mini Sections

Writing Activities

Types of Tasks


Vocabulary Classification

Sentence Structures

Detailed Explanation of the Structure and Organization of the Tasks

Examples and Activities

Trials and Samples

Speaking Activities

Duration of the Tests

Number of Questions in Each Sections

Ways of Answering in Each Sessions


Specific Words Must for Each Session

Pronunciation Methods

Common topics

Myths and Facts About the Speaking Test.

Listening Activities

Different Listening Approaches (Listening for Specific Word or Overall)

Methods of listening

Approaches According to Different Questions

Explanations with Examples

Mini shots

Translation Activities

IELTS Speaking Practice Sessions

10 zoom Speaking Mock tests from Monday to Friday. Saturday, there will be mock tests for Writing, Reading and Listening. While doing the Mock tests, what will be taught and learned:

After each session, you will receive detailed feedback and guidance. We provide a range of materials specifically designed to enhance your speaking skills. Additionally, before every test, we offer a comprehensive 7-day mock test session to prepare you thoroughly. Our support extends beyond the course duration, ensuring assistance until you achieve your desired scores. With our comprehensive approach and ongoing guidance, we are dedicated to helping you succeed in your English language goals.

Why Choose English Partner for IELTS?

WhatsApp Classes
Flexible Timings
Other Benefits

IELTS Course Trainers

Pre-Basic Trainer


Intermediate Trainer


Basic Trainer


Intermediate Trainer


Pre-Basic Trainer

Who we are
4.8 Google & Facebook Ratings

IELTS Online Training Centre

Looking to achieve a high score in the IELTS exam? English Partner’s comprehensive IELTS course is your ultimate solution. With our specialized training and unwavering support, we are dedicated to helping you excel in every section of the exam. Trust us to provide top-notch preparation and guidance, enabling you to achieve your desired score in the IELTS exam.

Why Choose English Partner for Your IELTS Preparation?

At English Partner, we recognize the significance of attaining your desired score in the IELTS exam. Our IELTS course stands out from the competition by offering a multitude of benefits, including:

1. Expert Instructors

Our team of skilled instructors specializes in delivering comprehensive IELTS preparation courses. Their extensive knowledge of the exam’s format, scoring system, and the typical obstacles encountered by test-takers enables them to provide expert guidance. By joining our program, you’ll benefit from their expertise, gain confidence, and unlock your full potential to excel in the IELTS examination.

2. Comprehensive Study Materials

Our extensive range of study materials caters to all sections of the IELTS exam: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. These materials have been thoughtfully crafted to bolster your abilities and familiarity with the test structure. With an array of sample questions, practice tests, model answers, and invaluable tips, we provide you with the essential resources to excel and achieve success in your IELTS journey.

3. Tailored Learning Approach

At English Partner, we understand the individuality of each student, acknowledging their unique strengths and areas for improvement. Our IELTS course embraces a personalized learning approach that prioritizes addressing your specific requirements. Through comprehensive assessments, we identify your strengths and weaknesses, enabling us to tailor our teaching methods to optimize your learning and progress effectively. Our goal is to ensure that you receive a customized learning experience that supports your success in the IELTS exam.

4. Intensive Practice Sessions

In our IELTS course, we understand the importance of practice in attaining success. That’s why we provide intensive practice sessions designed to replicate actual exam conditions. With mock tests and timed exercises, you will sharpen crucial skills such as time management, critical thinking, and effective strategies specific to each section of the exam. Our aim is to equip you with the necessary tools and experience to confidently tackle the IELTS exam and achieve the results you desire.

5. Targeted Skill Development

The IELTS exam requires distinct skill sets for each section. Our course offers tailored skill development exercises to improve your listening comprehension, reading speed and accuracy, writing coherence and cohesion, and speaking fluency and coherence. We concentrate on fortifying your weaker areas while fostering confidence in utilizing English proficiently. By honing these essential skills, you will be well-equipped to excel in each component of the IELTS exam and achieve your desired results.

Frequently Asked Questions

IELTS – The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an exam designed to help you work, study or emigrate to a country where English is the native language. This includes countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This exam tests your ability to listen, read, write, and speak English and is scored.

The four components of the IELTS exam are speaking, reading, writing, and listening. The IELTS Exam assesses each of the four fundamental LSRW skills. Each skill is taught to a student separately and according to a schedule. If a learner is lacking in a certain skill, that skill will be taught to him or her so they can acquire it.
IELTS training in English partner is one month course. At first, a pre-test is conducted to know the language level of the student. four modules can are taught in the course. If a person needs special attention for a particular module then the trainer is broad-minded to help to equip your level.

No particular qualification is needed. A basic understanding of the English Language is tested before applying for IELTS. Once after passing the result of the pre-test, if the student requires any bridge course they are provided and then trained for IELTS simultaneously.

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