Basic Level

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Learn the formation of the Sentence in the English Language.
Improve your Spoken English with Basic Level.

Basic Level Course

Past form
(Translation + Voice note)

Past form
(Translation + Voice note)

Past form
(Met, had, bought, went,
came – voice message)

Have, has, had

Past form
(Met, had, bought, went,
came – voice message)

Learn from mistakes +
self introduction

Calling activity +
Relationship words

Do, does, have,
has – question forms

Do, does, don’t, doesn’t,
have, has, had (overview)

Story telling activity


Prepositions (in, on, at)

(to, of, from, for)

Interrogative words
(What, where, who, whom)

Chatting activity

Translation activity –
1st form, 2nd form

Have to, should, must

Have to, should, must

Is, was + Calling activity

Translation using
interrogative words

If + When sentences
Voice message activity
Why, didn’t question forms
When sentences
Voice activity
Chatting Activity
Voice message activity
Translation activity
JAM Activity
There is, there are, there was, there were
Interview tips, intro
Voice activity
Do, does – simple present
Calling activity
Past, present, future – voice + dairy activity
Present perfect tense
Present perfect tense
-ing forms + question and answer
Voice message
Should be

If + When sentences

Voice message activity

Why, didn’t question forms

When sentences

Voice activity

Chatting Activity

Voice message activity

Translation activity

JAM Activity

There is, there are,
there was, there were

Interview tips, intro

Voice activity

Do, does – simple present

Calling activity

Past, present,
future – voice + dairy

Present perfect tense

Present perfect tense

-ing forms +
question and answer

Voice message

Should be

  • Are you a beginner at learning English?
  • Do you want to learn basic grammar?
  • Do you want to start your English communication?
  • Do you want to improve your reading skills?
  • Do you want to improve your listening comprehension?

Languages We Teach English

Learn English through தமிழ் ಕನ್ನಡ മലയാളം हिंदी తెలుగు اردو
1,20,000+ Students
21,045+ Students
20736+ Students
10853+ Students
20542+ Students

Benefits of Basic Level

WhatsApp Classes
Flexible Timings
Other Benefits

Basic Course Trainers

Pre-Basic Trainer


Intermediate Trainer


Basic Trainer


Intermediate Trainer


Pre-Basic Trainer

Who we are
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Basic English Speaking Course

If you are eager to elevate your English speaking skills and gain confidence as a communicator, English Partner’s comprehensive basic English course is your ideal choice. Tailored to meet your specific needs, our course equips you with the essential language tools to express yourself fluently and engage in meaningful conversations. With a steadfast commitment to delivering exceptional quality content, we strive to surpass other websites and establish ourselves as the preferred resource for English language learners. Join us on this journey towards linguistic excellence and unlock your full potential in English communication.

Why Choose English Partner for Your Basic English Speaking Course?

At English Partner, we recognize the paramount importance of mastering the art of English speaking for both personal and professional advancement. Here are the reasons why our basic spoken English course distinguishes itself and how it can greatly benefit you:

1. Structured Curriculum for Strong Foundation

Our course is designed with a meticulously crafted curriculum that prioritizes the establishment of a solid foundation in English speaking. We comprehensively cover essential aspects of language learning, such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and sentence structures. Through mastery of these fundamental elements, you will develop the confidence needed to express yourself effectively in diverse situations. By focusing on building this strong foundation, we empower you to communicate with clarity and proficiency in the English language.

2. Engaging and Interactive Learning Experience

We are committed to ensuring that your learning journey is enjoyable and interactive. Our lessons are designed to incorporate a diverse range of engaging activities, including role-plays, group discussions, and interactive exercises. These dynamic learning experiences create an immersive environment where you can actively practice your speaking skills, receive valuable feedback, and refine your communication abilities. We firmly believe that by making learning fun and interactive, you will be motivated to actively participate and make significant progress in your English speaking journey.

3. Qualified and Experienced Instructors

At English Partner, we hold our team of qualified and experienced instructors in high regard. They are not only fluent English speakers but also passionate educators committed to your language growth. Our instructors employ proven teaching methods and innovative techniques to ensure effective learning outcomes. With their guidance and expertise, you will receive personalized attention and support throughout your language journey. We take pride in providing you with exceptional instruction that empowers you to achieve your language goals with confidence.

4. Practical and Real-Life Language Application

We recognize that language learning is most impactful when it is applicable to real-life contexts. Hence, our Basic English Speaking Course places a strong emphasis on practical application. Through engaging role-plays, situational conversations, and simulated scenarios, you will acquire the essential skills to communicate with confidence in everyday situations. Whether it’s ordering at a restaurant, making travel arrangements, or engaging in social interactions, our course equips you with the necessary language tools to navigate these real-life scenarios with ease and proficiency.

5. Small Class Sizes for Individualized Attention

We place great importance on personalized learning experiences. To foster optimal interaction and provide individualized attention, we maintain small class sizes. This approach enables our instructors to closely monitor each student’s progress, address their specific challenges, and offer tailored feedback. The collaborative atmosphere within these smaller classes encourages active participation, creating a supportive and motivating environment for your language development. We believe that this personalized approach maximizes your learning potential and ensures that your language journey is both effective and rewarding.

6. Flexibility and Convenience

We comprehend the challenges of a hectic lifestyle, which is why our Basic English Speaking Course offers flexibility and convenience. Through our online platform, you can access course materials, participate in live classes, and engage in discussions from anywhere, at any time. This flexibility empowers you to learn at your own pace and seamlessly integrate your studies into your schedule. We prioritize providing a convenient and accessible learning experience that accommodates the demands of your busy life.

7. Continuous Support and Progress Evaluation

At English Partner, your success is our utmost priority. We are committed to providing ongoing support to keep you motivated and help you achieve your language goals. Our dedicated instructors offer guidance, answer your questions, and provide constructive feedback to ensure your continuous improvement. Through regular progress evaluations and assessments, we monitor your development, identify areas for improvement, and tailor future lessons accordingly. Rest assured, we are dedicated to your progress and will work closely with you to ensure that you reach your full language potential.

Unlock Your English Speaking Potential with English Partner’s Basic Spoken English Course

Are you ready to embark on an enriching journey towards effective communication in English? Join English Partner’s Basic English Speaking Course and unlock your language potential. Through our comprehensive course, you will gain the confidence to express yourself fluently, connect with others effortlessly, and open doors to new and exciting opportunities. Start your language learning adventure with us today and experience the transformative power of effective English communication.

Frequently Asked Questions

Through this course, you can build your confidence in learning English. Familiarise yourself with how to learn the English language. Take you to the next level in learning the language. Start learning the English language with simple vocabulary.

A Basic English course is usually aimed at helping students develop basic English language skills. Understanding of simple writing and knowledge of basic vocabulary. The ability to write simple sentences and paragraphs and the ability to understand spoken English in everyday situations. You will be able to communicate in simple English conversations.

You will improve your ability to learn and write the language better. You can gain the ability to form a sentence using the correct vocabulary. This course will introduce you to grammar and how to use it. Start your English communication with confidence.

You can take this course at any time and at any pace that suits you. Our team of trainers is available around the clock to support you. You can take the course at a flexible time.

No qualification is required to participate. Your willingness to learn the language and we will provide you with our experienced trainers so you can learn at your own pace.

Select Your Native Language