Intermediate Level

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Boost your accent & pronunciation to high level with Intermediate Level course.

Intermediate Level English Course

Have, has, do, does –

Had, have, don’t, doesn’t
Translation+ voice message

Articles, Preposition (in),
Voice activity

Preposition (on) +
Voice activity

Preposition (To, of) +
activity with phrase

(For, by, with, over)

Preposition (About) ,
Overview of Prepositions

How to use should and must
according to verb forms

Will vs shall (Future tense)

Past tense

Past tense +
Reading activity

Funny questions
(listening activity)

Past tense (did)

Translation with
prize money

Translation (past)

Past tense (translation)

Learn from mistakes

Story telling activity

Simple present (do, does)

Future tense (Revision)

Translation + Do, does, did,
didn’t usage

Three forms of verb

voice message activity

Difference between spoken
and written English

There is, there are,
there was, there were

Story translation

have been + ing, has been +
ing, may, might

Revision class +
should have

Should have + V3

Would, would have and
could, could have

Would, would have and could, could have
(Voice message activity)

Translation (WH questions)

Relative pronouns

Advanced level translation

Advanced level
(learn from mistakes)

I wish, I were Sentences

Translation revision
(42 questions)

Phrase + Idioms

Learn from mistakes

Story reading

Active and Passive voice
Present perfect tense
Present perfect tense (Translation)
Reading activity
Level test questions
Passive voice (negative sentence)
Voice message (Reading activity)
Passive and Active voice translation
Am, is, was, were (Be form verbs)
Common Mistakes + Phrases
Had + 3Rd form (Past perfect tense)
Story reading, neither nor, either or
Voice message (story reading)
Review writing
Last class
  • Do You Want to improve your English speaking?
  • Improve your vocabulary in English?
  • Correct your grammatical mistakes?
  • Do you want to learn the correct pronunciation?
  • Do you want to approach your job interview with confidence?

Languages We Teach English

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21,045+ Students
20736+ Students
10853+ Students
20542+ Students

Benefits of Intermediate Level

WhatsApp Classes
Flexible Timings
Other Benefits

Intermediate Course Trainers

Pre-Basic Trainer


Intermediate Trainer


Basic Trainer


Intermediate Trainer


Pre-Basic Trainer

Who we are
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English Partner’s Intermediate English Course

If you’re eager to elevate your English grammar skills, look no further than English Partner . Our Intermediate English Course is specifically designed to offer comprehensive training and support to enhance your grammar proficiency. With our unwavering commitment to delivering top-notch content, we strive to surpass other websites and establish ourselves as a trusted and reliable resource for English language learners. Join us on this grammar-focused journey and witness significant improvements in your language skills.


Why Choose English Partner for Your Intermediate English Grammar?

At English Partner, we recognize the significance of mastering English grammar for successful communication. Here’s why our Intermediate English Course stands out and how it can benefit you:

1. Targeted Grammar Instruction

Our course is dedicated to honing your grammar skills. We delve into a diverse range of topics, such as tenses, sentence structure, parts of speech, verb usage, and punctuation. With clear explanations, illustrative examples, and purposeful practice exercises, we guide you in comprehending and applying grammar rules with precision in both spoken and written English. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to express yourself accurately and confidently.

2. Comprehensive Curriculum

Our intermediate English grammar course follows a comprehensive curriculum that strengthens your existing knowledge and enhances your grammar proficiency. With a systematic approach, we guide you through a progressive learning journey, ensuring you acquire grammar concepts step by step and establish a strong foundation. From fundamental grammar principles to more advanced structures, we cover all the essential aspects required for effective communication. By the end of the course, you’ll have a solid grasp of English grammar, empowering you to express yourself with clarity and accuracy.

3. Interactive Learning Activities

We strongly believe in active engagement as the cornerstone of effective learning. In our course, we integrate interactive learning activities to create an engaging and enjoyable experience for you. Through group discussions, role-plays, and collaborative exercises, you will have ample opportunities to apply grammar in real-life contexts. These activities not only encourage active participation but also stimulate critical thinking, allowing for a deeper comprehension of grammar concepts. Get ready to learn in an interactive and dynamic environment that enhances your grammar skills while making your learning journey enjoyable.

4. Grammar in Context

At English Partner, we prioritize the practical application of grammar in real-life contexts. Our intermediate English grammar course emphasizes understanding grammar within authentic situations. Through relevant examples and exercises, we immerse you in scenarios that mirror real-life encounters. This approach enables you to apply grammar rules effectively in writing, speaking, and comprehension tasks. By practicing grammar in authentic contexts, you develop the skills needed to communicate fluently and confidently in various real-world situations.

5. Individualized Feedback and Support

At English Partner, we understand the significance of personalized attention and support. Our team of experienced instructors is committed to providing individualized feedback on your grammar usage, pinpointing areas for improvement, and offering specific guidance. They are dedicated to addressing your questions, clarifying any doubts you may have, and providing constructive suggestions to help you master English grammar effectively. With their expertise and support, you’ll receive the personalized attention you need to excel in your grammar skills and achieve your language goals.

6. Practice Materials and Resources

To enhance your learning experience, we offer a wide range of practice materials and resources. Our comprehensive collection includes grammar exercises, worksheets, quizzes, and supplementary reading materials. These resources serve as valuable tools for reinforcing your understanding of grammar concepts, practicing their application, and gauging your progress as you advance through the course. With these resources at your disposal, you can engage in meaningful practice and consolidate your grammar skills effectively.

7. Flexibility and Convenience

We recognize the importance of flexibility in today’s fast-paced world. That’s why our Intermediate English Course is designed to accommodate your schedule and learning preferences. Our user-friendly online platform enables you to access course materials, participate in live classes, and engage in discussions at your convenience. This flexibility empowers you to learn at your own pace and adapt your studies to fit your busy lifestyle. Whether you’re a working professional or a student, our course allows you to pursue your language learning goals without compromising your other commitments.

8. Progress Tracking and Assessment

At English Partner, we place great emphasis on tracking progress and acknowledging accomplishments. Our Intermediate English Course incorporates regular assessments and progress tracking mechanisms to help you monitor your advancement. These evaluations serve as valuable checkpoints, allowing you to gauge your improvement, identify areas that may need additional focus, and establish goals for further development. Our experienced instructors provide detailed feedback and guidance, ensuring that you receive the necessary support to foster continuous growth and achieve success in your language journey.

Take Your English Grammar Skills to the Next Level with English Partner

Are you ready to take your English grammar skills to the next level? Join English Partner’s Intermediate English Course and experience a transformation in your language proficiency. Enhance your written and spoken communication by unlocking the secrets of English grammar. Our course is designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to express your ideas with confidence and fluency. Enroll today and embark on an exciting language learning journey that will empower you to communicate effectively in English.

Frequently Asked Questions

The intermediate level course is the level where you start learning major grammar subjects like adjectives, tenses, articles, use of countable and uncountable nouns in a sentence, phrases and subject, use of verbs in tenses etc. students will also do jam activity, storytelling activity, speaking room session with their trainers to start gaining a good hold on the language.

The intermediate course can be joined by students of any age who want to gain proficiency with grammar, the use of tenses and verbs in tenses, the use of articles, nouns, and adjectives, and those who want to improve their communication and pronunciation skills in English. The intermediate course engages our students in many different activities for students to have a fun learning session with their trainers.

For the intermediate level, students will have access to 5 different trainers who will be personally taking care of the students in speaking room training, grammar training, jam activities, and a lot more.

To gain proficiency in any language, there are common steps you can use to do that. Here are some that you can use to become proficient in English;

  • communicate with other people in English
  • read books/magazines/newspapers that are in English
  • watch movies/series in English
  • do not be afraid to make mistakes as you will learn from them
  • expand your vocabulary by learning a new word
  • set goals for yourself with your learning

As all of the English partner courses are online, there is no availability of offline courses.

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